LG V20 was officially released with a 5.7 inch 2K screen, Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB RAM+64GB ROM, memory card expansion, 3200mAh battery and Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 fast charge. Most importantly, it has LG G5 rear dual camera design, LG V10 auxiliary screen design, and 4DAC (the world's first ES9218). The ES9218 supports hard decoding of 384kHz/32bit or DSD512 encoded audio files. The SNR is 130 dB, the total harmonic distortion plus noise is less than - 112 dB, and the dynamic range is 124 dB. It is still B&O tuning. All metal body, fingerprint identification and detachable battery features are naturally intact. Qualcomm exposes LG V20 promotional videos more quickly than LG official WeChat. If you are interested, you can pay attention to them. Now, the author will cut a video clip to share with you.
The video emphasizes the music features of LG V20 at the beginning
Hi Fi Qual DAC can be turned on and off manually
LG V20 adopts 4DAC (the world's first ES9218)
LG G5's dual cameras and fingerprint recognition are reserved
B&O music tuning is integrated from Hi Fi genie of LG G5 to interior of LG V20
Attached with B&O customized earphone
Although there is only a single camera, it can still switch between two angles
More powerful recording function
The auxiliary screen on LG V10 is still present
Removable battery is still the style of LG flagship
5.7 inch screen still supports Always Display
Lucky gold powder, buy buy buy
Here are some official renderings to show you the beauty of LG V20 from multiple angles.