Before Apple launched the Apple Watch, the Android Wear camp had launched many generations of products. Now, the Apple Watch has been updated to the Apple Watch 3 with cellular network (the latter has twists and turns due to the domestic policy of "one number, multiple computers").
On May 9, it was reported that Apple had just obtained a patent for a round dial, which was submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as early as January 2016. The most special point of this patent is that it uses pixels with different row and column lengths on the circular screen edge to improve the screen utilization. That is, on the different "longitude and latitude" of this circle, pixels are not square, but will be elongated and flattened according to their positions.
Although the three generations of Apple Watch are all square faced, in fact, no matter the desktop, icon or sports center of the Watch OS, they are all designed with a circle as the design element. It is possible that the original design of the Apple watch is circular, but Apple has not yet prepared for the hardware and patents, so the Apple watch is still square.
Even netizens have prepared renderings of various round dials of the Apple Watch, and many of their works are still fake. But the common effect is the same as when we first saw the Apple Watch. After the round corners and the round dial are added, there is no sense of sophistication at all. It is even a bit like a fake watch. What do you think? I wonder if the Apple Watch custom watchband of Hermes and Nike can still be used in general?
In the watch industry, round dials are the norm. Moto 360 and Samsung Gear S series watches are round dials. Unexpectedly, the smart watch is going to cool on Android, and Apple has a new look. It's really sad.
In addition, in March this year, KGI reported that the Apple Watch 4 will be equipped with a larger screen and a larger battery, and the screen will increase by 15%, and will be launched this autumn. In view of this growth, it is certain that the round dial will be replaced.
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