It may be that the release time of Snapdragon 888 is earlier than usual, and the Snapdragon 888+also comes earlier. On June 28, Qualcomm suddenly released its flagship SoC platform "Snapdragon 888+" in the second half of the year. Snapdragon 888+increased the dominant frequency of X1 super core to 2.995 GHz (3.0GHz), AI performance increased by more than 20%, and computing power reached 32 TOPS.
Qualcomm announced that the total number of Snapdragon 888 and Snapdragon 888+models released and under development has exceeded 130. The new Snapdragon 888+models are expected to be launched in the third quarter (as soon as July, and as late as September). ASUS ROG, Glory, Motorola vivo、 Xiaomi and other five mobile phone manufacturers should update the flagship of Snapdragon 888+if nothing happens. At the previous Glory 50 series press conference, Glory had announced that Glory Magic 3 would be equipped with 888+Snapdragon.
Snapdragon 888+is a 5nm process, the CPU part is Kryo 680 architecture, 1+3+4 structure, 3.0G class X1+2.42G class A78+1.8G class A55. GPU is Adreno 660 (frequency unknown). Hexagon 780 DSP,Spectra 580 ISP, Support full blood 4-channel 16bit LPDDR5@3200 MHz (51.2GB/s) memory, integrated X60 5G baseband, and the official configuration peripheral is still FastConnect 6900 (Wi Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.2).
As a reference, Snapdragon 888 is Samsung's 5nm LPE process, the CPU part is Kryo 680 architecture, 1+3+4 structure, 2.84G category X1+2.42G category A78+1.8G category A55, and the GPU is Adreno 660@840MHz , AI computing power is 26 TOPS, and the rest is basically the same as Snapdragon 888+.
The other X1 architecture SoC is Samsung Exynos 2100, which is also a Samsung 5nm LPE process. The CPU part is a 1+3+4 structure. The 2.91G X1+2.81G A78+2.2G A55, and the GPU is Mali G78 MP14@854MHz Its AI computing power is also 26 TOPS (three core NPU+DSP), and it also supports 4-channel 16bit LPDDR5@3200 MHz (51.2GB/s) memory.
The GeekBench 5 test of Samsung Galaxy S21+(SM-G996U) equipped with Snapdragon 888 is generally about single core 1101 and multi-core 3169. The Exynos 2100 Galaxy S21+(G996B) with the same mold has a single core 1063 and a multi-core 3282.
Because the core frequencies of A78 and A55 of Snapdragon 888 are far lower than those of Exynos, the multi-core Exynos 2100 is still stronger (heat control is just...), but the performance of 2.84GHz X1 of Snapdragon 888 is still smaller than that of 2.91G X1 of Exynos 2100.
It can be predicted that Snapdragon 888+will continue to refresh the single core record of Android camp. In addition, as usual, Qualcomm may increase the frequency of the GPU as well as the main frequency of the super core. The Adreno 660 frequency of Snapdragon 888+is likely to exceed 840MHz, which may also refresh the GPU performance record of Android camp.
The press release did not mention the specific 5nm process, so the process and energy efficiency ratio improvement, heating control, etc. that everyone is more concerned about, will not be confirmed until the first batch of Snapdragon 888+mobile phones come out.
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