On September 28, it was reported that Samsung launched the Galaxy J8 mobile phone in India in May this year. Some foreign media said it was the most beautiful Galaxy J series mobile phone so far. Now, Samsung Galaxy J8 is on sale at B&H, an American retailer. The unlocked version of the phone costs 279.99 dollars (about 1928 yuan) and provides a one-year limited warranty, The phone supports the networks of T-Mobile and AT&T, but does not support CDMA operators such as Verizon and Sprint.
In terms of appearance, the Galaxy J8 body is made of polycarbonate. The back dual camera, fingerprint unlocking button and Samsung logo are on the central axis, while the flash is on the right side of the dual camera. The machine is equipped with a 6.0 inch Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 720P+.
The Samsung Galaxy J8 is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor. The chip adopts a 14 nanometer process and should have good endurance performance with a 3500 mAh battery. The running memory of the new machine is 4GB, and the built-in storage is 64GB. There is no other memory version. In terms of cameras, the Galaxy J8 rear dual camera is 16 million pixels (F1.7 aperture) and 5 million pixels (F1.9 aperture), and the front camera is 16 million pixels. It also comes with LED lights that support soft light self photography. Android 8.0 system is pre installed on the new machine.
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