On March 22, it was reported that it was the internal PPT of OnePlus. Of course, it was not confirmed whether it was "official leakage" or "big news" by other media. In PPT, iPhone X, Samsung S9+and Huawei P20 are used to compare with one plus six. One plus six will use a 6.2 inch fringe full screen, Snapdragon 845+8G memory+256G storage, the camera maintains 1600W pixels+2000W pixels, and Dash flash charge.
The most striking thing is that the price of one plus six marked here is as high as 749 dollars, equivalent to about 4700 yuan. As a background, when the One Plus 5T was released in November 2017, the price of the low configuration version was 499 dollars, about 3200 yuan, and the price of the 8GB+128GB high configuration version was 559 dollars, about 3500 yuan. The possibility of 749 dollars is low. If it is true, it means that the product positioning of OnePlus has changed dramatically.
Cooperate with us Love to play computer games Made on March 2 One Plus Six Rumors Summary: Liu Haiping, Xiaolong 845 and More According to the summary of disclosure, in the previous exposure, there was a version with 6G memory. The appearance of one plus six was also quite different from that of OPPO R15. The rear camera was restored to the middle, the lower frame of the fuselage was well controlled, and the fingerprints were relatively flat.
The running score of one plus six is rumored to be slightly higher than that of Xiaomi MIX 2S
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