On January 24, vivo officially released the vivo X20 Plus screen fingerprint version, which is the first mass-produced mobile phone with offline fingerprint identification. The machine adopts the same 6.43 inch AMOLED full screen as the ordinary version, with Snapdragon 660+4G memory+128G storage. The front and rear cameras are Samsung Dual Pixel sensors, 3905mAh batteries, and ES9318 audio chips. The price is 3598 yuan. The vivo X20 Plus screen fingerprint version started online booking on January 24, and was fully launched on February 1.
Vivo used Xplay6 as the prototype in MWC in 2017, equipped with Qualcomm's ultrasonic fingerprint technology under the screen. The advantage of this scheme is that it has strong resistance to obstacles and can identify underwater, but the fingerprint identification speed of the tester was slow at that time; In the CES in 2018, vivo uses vivo X20 Plus as the prototype, which is equipped with Synaptic's optical fingerprint scheme under the screen. The sensor model is Clear ID FS9500. The principle of photoelectric fingerprint recognition is that the blue-green light from the screen shines on the fingerprint, and the sensor takes and compares the fingerprint.
Ordinary capacitive fingerprint includes front fingerprint and back fingerprint. In the previous interview, Vivo said that the current fingerprint scheme under the photoelectric screen costs 3-4 times more than the front capacitive fingerprint scheme. But the most surprising thing is that the vivo X20 Plus screen fingerprint version is only 100 yuan more expensive than the ordinary version. The figure below shows the price of vivo X20 Plus when it was released in October 2017.
Sales price chart when vivo X20 is released
Off screen fingerprint sensor
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