The year 2017 is almost half over. With the release of Snapdragon 835, QC4 fast charging has gradually entered the users' vision. So far, many mobile phones equipped with Snapdragon 835 have been launched, including Samsung Galaxy S8 series, HTC U11, Sony Xperia XZ Premium, Xiaomi 6, Nubia Z17. But we also found that although the above flagship ships are equipped with Snapdragon 835 SoC, The only model that really supports the QC4 fast charging standard is the Nubia Z17.
Obviously, the QC4 fast charging standard has not been sought after by manufacturers for various reasons. Now, Qualcomm has announced the QC4+fast charging standard, which is supported only by the Nubia Z17 mobile phone.
The QC4+fast charging standard is downward compatible with QC4 fast charging, and three functions are added:
Dual Charge: Dual charge has been an option in earlier versions, but it is now more powerful. The terminal contains the second power management integrated circuit (IC). The terminal is charged through two-way charging, and the charging current is dispersed, which can achieve less heating and shorten the charging time
Intelligent thermal balance: the intelligent thermal balance further enhances "two-way charging", which is designed to automatically charge through the line with the lowest temperature, eliminating hot spots to optimize charging
Advanced security features: Quick Charge 4 already contains strict built-in security protocols. Quick Charge 4+goes a step further and is designed to simultaneously monitor terminal housing and connector temperature levels. This additional protective layer helps prevent overheating and short circuits or damage to Type-C connectors.
Qualcomm official said that due to Dual charging, intelligent thermal balance and advanced safety features are included in the terminal design. Compared with QC4, QC4+can increase the charging speed by 15%/the charging efficiency by 30%.