Intel once said that the 10nm Cannon Lake CPU will be released at the end of 2017. Intel has great confidence in this generation of 10nm chips. They believe that 10nm chips will bring greater performance improvement to PC flat panel two in one products, and the power consumption will also drop significantly.
Recently, at the event of Technology and Manufacturing Day, Intel released their future plans for chips. Intel said that 10nm can accommodate more than 100 million transistors in an area of 1 square millimeter, and the fin spacing is smaller, 10nm, like 14nm, will be used in the third generation of products instead of the previous one The Tick Lock mode is 10nm, 10nm+, 10nm++respectively. After that, it will enter 7nm. The 10nm product at the end of the year can improve its performance by 25% and reduce its power consumption by 45% compared with the current 14nm++. They believe that Intel's 10nm process will be stronger than Samsung's and TSMC's.