Recently, Samsung's new flagship Android phone, Galaxy S8 Plus, which is about to be released, was unveiled on the famous scoreboard website. Its SoC is the high-profile Exynos 8895 eight core processor, with a small core of 1.7GHz and 4GB of memory. S8+runs Android 7.0 from the factory. From the data point of view, the single core score is 1978 and the multi-core score is 6375. Don't worry that this phone is forged, because judging from the Processor ID, it is really Exynos 8895.
It can also be seen that, compared with the Kirin 960 of Huawei Mate 9, the single core project is basically in the leading trend. Although the total score of the single core project is lower than 960, the overall performance of the single core project is relatively close, with some wins and some losses. The multi-core projects are neck and neck. This month, two Samsung flagship Android machines will also be released. Please wait and see.
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