Recently, Intel released the latest flagship of Xeon processor, the E7-8894 v4 processor, as the latest flagship, The E7-8894 v4 processor has 24 cores, 48 threads, a default frequency of 2.4GHz, a maximum of 3.4GHz, TDP165W, and supports up to eight servers and 24TB of memory per node. All these high specifications make it the fastest E7 processor in history. From the data point of view, its processing speed is 3.69 times that of the previous generation. Of course, the performance of BT cannot be separated from its price, The E7-8894 v4 processor sells for as much as $8898, which translates into about 61100 yuan, while the Balu processor sells for as much as $71000, which translates into about 487500 yuan. If you are interested in it, please check it out.
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