On November 1, Samsung quietly launched the Coral Blue Galaxy S7 edge in the official store. There are 32GB and 64GB versions available on the official website. After the Galaxy Note7 was recalled sadly due to the battery explosion, Samsung finally took further action. The Coral Blue version of the S7 edge is one of them. As Samsung's most high-end mobile phone, the Galaxy S7 edge carries the banner of saving Samsung's market share. Before the release of the Galaxy S8/S8 edge early next year, the S7 edge will carry Samsung's flagship for nearly a quarter.
The Coral Blue launched this time has a total of 32GB and 64GB versions, with the price of 5688 yuan and 5988 yuan respectively. The 64GB version has the same price as Galaxy Note7, which undoubtedly carries the flag of Samsung's flagship from its positioning and price.