According to Taiwan's Dongsen News Cloud, a Taiwan user renewed her contract to purchase a Samsung Galaxy Note7 at Taiwan's Big Brother on August 23. Although the Note7 she has had has been in normal use, affected by the Note7 battery incident, the Taiwan version of Note7 also falls within the scope of this Samsung replacement. The Taiwan female user changed the Samsung official security version of Note7 on September 27.
According to the user's description, ten days after the replacement of this safe version Note7, spontaneous combustion occurred in her back pocket, first with a "touch", then started to smoke, and then she immediately took out the phone and dropped it on the ground. Fortunately, she did not suffer from physical injury. The user said that the mobile phone continued to smoke for about 1 minute after being dropped on the ground. The user made it clear that she did not agree with Samsung to replace Note7 for her again. She wanted to apply for a refund and would not use the Samsung mobile phone again. She did not want to make fun of her life. Taiwan Samsung is contacting the consumer, hoping to further investigate the cause of the incident.