After the AQSIQ issued the statement that Samsung Electronics will recall all Note7, the official website of Samsung also released the statement of recalling Note7. In the statement, Samsung Electronics apologized for the loss caused to users due to the burning of Note7, stopped all sales of Note7, and promised to recall all National Bank Note7. The following is the full text of Samsung's official statement.
In the statement, Samsung apologized for many times and will cooperate with relevant government departments to recycle as soon as possible. Later, specific recall details will be published. If there is any further information, it will be published on the official website of Samsung Electronics. It is reported that Samsung's recall of Galaxy Note7 worldwide will cost about 17 billion dollars in aftercare costs, which basically means that Note7 is sentenced to death. Note7, rated as the highest score in history by the foreign media The Verge, ended badly only 47 days after the first burn out. According to foreign media reports, Samsung has produced about 4 million sets of Note7 since its release, The cost of cleaning up these mobile phones is as high as 1.6 trillion won (about 9.61 billion yuan).