Not long ago, Intel's seventh generation Core processor with the Kaby Lake architecture has released and launched U series and Y series products, and some thin and light books, two in one notebooks and new tablet products have begun to launch with these processors. Similar to the Broadwell architecture, this generation of Core processors plans to release desktop level processors at the end of the year or early next year. Happily, some online retailers have started pre ordering activities.
The high-end black box Core i7-7700K sells for 360.35 euros, about 2600 yuan, similar to the initial price of the Core i7-6700K last year. Compared with the previous work, the maximum frequency of the Core i7-7700K has been increased from 4GHz to 4.2GHz, and the power consumption has also been increased by 4W, mainly because the Tick Lock law has slowed down and the 14nm process is still used. The number of L3 Cache and cores has not changed. The GPU is still the ninth generation architecture, but it supports 4K H.265 10 bit, VP9 format video decoding and 5K 30Hz single screen output.
Although it is the third generation architecture using 14nm technology, Intel calls it 14nm Plus, which strengthens the strain of fins and transistor channels, and better integrates design and manufacturing. It claims that it can lead to 12% process performance improvement, and with higher frequency, the increase can reach 16%.
The CPU slot is still the LGA 1151 in Skylake architecture, which is theoretically compatible with the 100 series motherboard. The 200 series motherboard is expected to be launched at the end of the year, and also supports Intel Optane solid state disk.