On September 18, a poster bar user revealed that the Galaxy Note 7 of the Bank of China, which arrived on September 2, had exploded, and posted the JD order and IMEI code of the phone. JD confirmed that the phone was indeed from its own Samsung flagship store. Then at 22:00 on the evening of the 18th, another poster bar user revealed that the BOC Galaxy Note 7 he bought in JD had exploded, and he also provided the machine invoice and IMEI code. The second explosion of BOC Note 7 has not received official response from JD and Samsung.
Pictures provided by the victims of the second explosion in Note 7 of the National Bank of China
At present, the Samsung flagship mobile phone store owned by JD has fully displayed that the Galaxy Note 7 is out of stock, which can be interpreted as JD temporarily removed the self owned Galaxy Note 7. However, there are still Galaxy Note 7 sold in other regions on JD's global purchase, while the official Samsung and the National Bank Galaxy Note 7 in Samsung's Tmall stores are also in normal sales.
JD is understandably considering the removal of the BOC Galaxy Note 7. Before Samsung officially responds to the BOC explosion, JD also hopes to avoid joint liability as far as possible.