Not long ago, Sony's official website in China officially launched the booking interface of Sony Xperia XZ line version, and many consumers saw that its processor parameters were Snapdragon 820 64 bit eight core processor and 3GB * 2 RAM. Later, they speculated that Sony Xperia XZ would be released into the 6GB RAM Emperor version earlier than Samsung Galaxy Note7. Unfortunately, Sony's official website in China has corrected the above two parameters, which is a misunderstanding.
Before correction
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After correction
On the other hand, Sony has proposed on many occasions that the flagship status of Sony Xperia Z series has been replaced by Sony Xperia X series. Sony Xperia X Performance, Sony Xperia X Compact and other newly released models all belong to Sony Xperia X series. But at present, the official website of Sony China still shows that Sony Xperia XZ has been transferred to the Z series. This is an interesting phenomenon. Is it possible that Sony Xperia Z series has revived?
Still part of Sony Xperia Z series
Paradoxically, the promotional poster of JD Crowdfunding Sony Xperia XZ not long ago said that it was the first Xperia X series mobile phone in mainland China.