Intel officially released the seventh generation of Core processor at the IDF (Intel Information Technology Summit) in 2016. The microarchitecture code is Kaby Lake. The official said that the processor's image performance is very powerful, and it can easily run large games without the help of an independent graphics card. An XPS Dell laptop equipped with Kaby Lake was used on the scene to run Watch Pioneer, The live operation is very smooth and stable, but the official did not mention the frame rate and picture quality of the game. At the same time, Intel also used HP's two in one notebook (equipped with a Kaby Lake processor) to demonstrate its video processing capability on the site. The image unit in Kaby Lake supports 4K video hard solution, and has the ability to hard solution HEVC Main10 Profile. The seventh generation is estimated to take the path of strengthening GPU and reducing power consumption~
Intel said that computers equipped with this processor will be available to consumers in the near future.