In May this year, Google officially announced the arrival of Android N (Android 7.0) on Google I/O, and opened the download of developer preview version of Android 7.0. New features in Android 7.0: New wallpaper, new interface Multi window multitasking, floating screen, notification bar change, Doze power saving mode, night mode, system level "traffic saving mode", increased support for Google VR platform Daystream and many new emoticons.
On August 23, Beijing time, the official version of Android 7.0 began to be pushed to Nexus devices, including Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, exus Player and Pixel C. Other Android users will have to wait for other manufacturers to improve Android 7.0 before receiving the push. In addition, LG V20 will become the first new machine equipped with Android 7.0.
Android 7.0 preview video:
Android N Preview Getting Started Video (Youku)
Android N Preview Getting Started Video (Tencent)