On July 19, Apple officially launched iOS 10 Beta 3 beta to developers. On the iPhone 6s of the Bank of China version, the updated volume is 1.82G. The update mainly includes the introduction of auxiliary functions that can be unlocked without pressing the home key, lock screen vibration feedback, input method sound effect, Siri can access the application information area, etc.
This update is basically a minor modification, but the update of home key auxiliary function options is a blessing for many iPhones that are about to lose their hold on the home key. When it is turned on, touch the home key with your finger to turn on the phone and unlock it without pressing the key. This saves not only the home key, but also the power key.
For Guohei, this small step of Apple is also a big step towards the big Android camp. Yes, iOS 10 is very Android (squint).