With the launch of Apple's iPhone SE, small screen phones seem to be returning to the trend. Meiya now has the smallest Android machine on the market, Micro X S240 launched by Posh Mobile.
Unlike the iPhone SE, which crams powerful hardware into the smaller body, the Micro X S240 is a low-end machine worthy of the name. 89x47x11.6mm, 2.4-inch 240x432 screen, SoC adopts MediaTek's 1.0GHz MT6572M dual core processor, 512MB RAM+4GB ROM, 2 million rear camera+VGA front camera, 650mAh battery, and pre installed Android 4.4.
The official price of Posh Mobile Micro X S240 is $89.99. If you go to Meiya to buy it, except for the black version, which is slightly more expensive, it costs $52.55, and the white, blue, and red versions are all $49.99. But how many people are still interested in such a machine with backward configuration and small screen?
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