All versions of Galaxy S7 have been in stress testing. An S7 named SM-G930A has appeared on the Geekbench database, which uses the Snapdragon 820 processor. This is also the first Galaxy S7 that uses the Snapdragon 820.
From the model SM-G930A, this is the Galaxy S7 of AT&T, which is equipped with Android 6.0.1 system, Snapdragon 820 four core 64 bit processor, and steps r1p2. 4G memory, but the available memory is only 3424MB. From the score, the single core performance is good, close to 2300 points, while the multi-core performance is average.
Compared with the Exynos 8890 Galaxy S7 (SM-G930W8), which also leaked scores, the Snapdragon 820 version has better single core performance, and the multi-core performance is better than the CPU core number. Integer operation is a winner for each other, and Snapdragon 820 version prevails.
The performance of floating-point operations has not opened a big gap.
The memory performance of Snapdragon 820 is generally superior to Exynos 8890, but the gap is not large.