Although equipped with Snapdragon 820 's mobile phones have not been sold yet, but Qualcomm's next-generation flagship Snapdragon 830 (code name MSM8998) has come out through the grapevine. This SoC will be Samsung The next generation of 10nm process can reduce power consumption while improving performance, and Snapdragon 830 will probably support 8GB Of memory.
Judging from the dual channel LPDDR4 1866MHz memory of the Snapdragon 820, it is likely that the Snapdragon 830 will adopt the same dual channel configuration, but the capacity will be doubled directly. Samsung announced in September that it had mass produced 12Gb (1Byte=8bit, equivalent to 1.5GB) LPDDR4 memory chips based on the 20nm process, paving the way for mobile phones to be equipped with 6GB memory. As long as manufacturers need it, they only need four such chips to have 6GB of memory.
When the 10nm process comes next year, Samsung is likely to be able to mass produce 16Gb memory chips, so that the Snapdragon 830 coming the year after next may eat 8GB of memory at the beginning of 2017.
Of course, it is worth discussing whether the mobile phone can use such a large memory. But it is certain that professional tablets, X86 architecture, external display and win10 running mobile phones will use this exciting 8GB memory.
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