This year is the Tock year of Intel's Tick Lock strategy. Although the latest Skylake processor still maintains the 14nm process, it has made great changes in architecture and GPU. Broadwell-E, as Intel's supreme series, has been delayed in releasing, so that Intel's top product line, the supreme series, still stays on the 22nm Haswell-E product.
But the good news is that after more than a year of silence, the latest Intel Supreme Series CPU is finally coming out, and four Broadwell-E CPUs will be launched at the same time, namely, i7-6950X, i7-6900K, i7-6850K and i7-6800K. What is striking is that the strongest i7 6950X is up to 10 cores and 20 threads, and L3 cache is up to 25MB. This is undoubtedly the strongest desktop processor of Intel so far. The previous generation of i7 5960X only has 8 cores and 16 threads. Moreover, the i7 6950X still uses the LGA2011-3 pin. Even the last generation X99 motherboard can be perfectly compatible after the BIOS is updated.
The latest generation of Broadwell-E will be released in the first quarter of next year. According to the price positioning of the previous premium series CPU, the official price of the i7 6950X is 999 dollars (6367 yuan).