Previously, a very interesting test was conducted by overseas PhoneArena, which used Note 4, 6 Plus and Canon 650D to conduct a blind test of photo comparison, and asked netizens to select the best photos. The results included six scenes of night scenes, in which Note 4 not only defeated Apple, but even won more votes than 650D.
Scenario 1:
6 Plus
Note 4
Scenario 1 Voting results.
Scenario 2:
6 Plus
Note 4
Voting results.
Scenario 3:
Note 4
6 Plus
Voting results.
Scenario 4:
Note 4
6 Plus
Voting results
Scenario 5:
6 Plus
Note 4
Voting results.
Scenario 6:
Note 4
6 Plus
Voting results.
Of course, the photography effect of SLR will be related to the lens, photography technology and camera settings used. The whole result is mainly about the comparison between Note 4 and 6 Plus.
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