Xolo, who is willing to explore the low-end Android mobile phone market in India, recently launched a new product called "A1000", which has recently appeared in the local market. It uses dual core 1GHz, MT6577 processor, 5-inch, 720p IPS screen, 1GB RAM, 4GB built-in storage space (up to 32GB TF card expansion), 8 megapixel back lit camera (with LED flash), 1.2 megapixel front camera, 2100 mA battery, 900/1800MHz GSM and 2100 MHz HSPA website, Bluetooth 4.0, 802.11b/g/n Wi Fi, The system is Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.
In terms of configuration, the A1000 should be a mid-range product with Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Grand, but the A1000 only costs 13999 Indian rupees (about 1610 yuan) in terms of price, while the Galaxy Grand sells for 21500 Indian rupees (about 2470 yuan) in India. In terms of pricing, the A1000 has more advantages than the Samsung Galaxy Grand. It seems that after a price war in the Chinese market, more mobile phone manufacturers have begun to fight a price war in the emerging Indian market.
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