Recently, there have been rumors that Apple will launch a 128GB iOS device. Foreign media reported that the 128GB device is Apple's iPad 4. The iPad 4 is not very different from the ordinary iPad 4. There are only black and white colors, and the difference is only the capacity.
In addition, foreign media also exposed the price of the iPad 4. In the figure below, ULTIMATE generally refers to the model with the largest capacity, while A represents black and B represents white. Therefore, we can see that the price of the 128GB Wi Fi version of the iPad 4 is $799, while the Wi Fi+Cellular version is $929.
Due to the ultra-high resolution of the iPad 4, many applications and games have increased in size. Therefore, it is really necessary for Apple to launch a high-capacity version of the iPad. Although the price is much higher than the cheapest iPad 4 of $499, it is believed that many users will choose the 128GB iPad 4.