On May 22, Acer's Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite Notebook Extraordinary Go Pro AI officially announced the price, starting from 5999 yuan (16GB memory+1TB SSD), while the 32GB memory+1TB SSD version is 6499 yuan.
Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite is a notebook processor of Qualcomm benchmarking Apple M-series chips, but the progress is not as expected, and it has been dragged to the Apple M4, which has not yet been rolled out. This Acer extraordinary Go Pro AI will not be officially launched until the evening of June 17
Snapdragon X Elite is of great significance, on the one hand for the Windows platform, and on the other hand for Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 in October this year (this is the first shot of Qualcomm's new self-developed architecture).
Compare the new and old versions of Acer Extraordinary Go Pro:
The new version is Snapdragon X Elite X1E78100, a 14 inch 2560x1600 120Hz screen, a 50Wh battery, a 7-hour battery life, 1.34kg, and a 16+1TB price of 5999 yuan
The old version was Intel i5-13500H, with a 14 inch 2880x1800 120Hz screen, 60Wh battery, 9-hour battery life, 1.49kg, 16+1TB, and now it sells for 3999 yuan
On May 22, the price of Nubia Z60 Ultra was reduced by 400 to 900 yuan:
The initial price of version 12+256 is 3999 yuan → 3599 yuan
The initial price of version 16+512 is 4699 yuan → 3799 yuan
The initial price of the 16+1TB version is 5299 yuan → 4599 yuan
24+1TB version initial price 5999 yuan → 5699 yuan
Nubia Z60 Ultra is a rare full screen flagship without perforations. 6.8 inch 120Hz BOE Q9+straight screen, Snapdragon 8 Gen 36000mAh battery+80W fast charge, IP68 and USB 3.1.
Very special equivalent 35mm IMX800 main camera+5000W 1/1.55 OV50E ultra wide angle+equivalent 85mm OV64B F3.3 telephoto (telephoto is not as dry as the batch of OV64B with 3 times of F2.6 from Blue Green Factory).
True full screen+equivalent 35mm 1/1.49 type camera is the only one set. After the price reduction, it is not cheap. The system in Nubia is also weak. Only experienced passengers are recommended to get on the bus.
On May 21, JD International's M1 version of the iPad Pro 11 inch official inverter, before May 25, the price of Plus members was at least 4369 yuan (128GB), the 256GB version was 4845 yuan (plus 476 yuan), and the 512GB version was 5177 yuan (plus 808 yuan).
In addition to its performance, the new 60Hz iPad Air has been successfully launched, but it was delivered by JD International in Macao.
(Warm reminder: iPad is not a necessity, only recommended for users with demand)
Then, Hisense's 100 inch TV Vidda NEW S100 Pro also reached 7799 yuan: it will be reduced to 7999 yuan at 8:00 p.m. on the 23rd, and 200 yuan will be reduced for "old for new". Plus members still have 40 yuan coupons to receive.
At the 100 inch 4K 144Hz screen, 192 partitions (this parameter is a bit shabby), 60W audio, 4G memory+128GB storage, four HDMI 2.1 interfaces (only two of them support 4K 144Hz), and even two microphones, game consoles, and movie season card gifts.
The 100 inch TV has fallen below 8000 yuan. If it is not too big and will be stuck in the elevator, then buy an iron projector.
Users in need at home can go, but before placing an order, ask yourself: How long have you bought a TV? Do you still need TV at home?
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