On the same day as the Samsung Galaxy S4, both chose the special day of White Valentine's Day. The X1000, the "world's fastest smartphone" jointly created by Indian mobile phone manufacturer XOLO and Intel, has also been officially released. The X1000 uses a single core Intel Atom Z2460 processor and is equipped with a PowerVR SGX540 GPU. It has 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage space. A 4.7 inch 720p TFT screen, an 8 megapixel main camera, supports 1080p video recording, and a 1.3 million front camera and microSD card slot. In terms of network connection, X1000 supports Wi Fi, 3G, GPS and Bluetooth. In terms of system, X1000 is still pre installed with Android 4.0.4 ice cream sandwich operating system, and I don't know when it will be upgraded. At present, X1000 has been listed and sold for 285 euros, about 2295 yuan.