On December 9, Motorola will release its flagship new machine edge X30 with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. In the latest warm-up, it was officially revealed that, in addition to the ordinary version of the central perforated screen design, There is also a special version of the moto edge X30 that uses an off screen front camera, and it will also use a 60 million pixel front camera, which is also the highest number of pixels of off screen cameras in mass production models.
Although the official did not disclose which company's scheme was used for downloading the moto edge X30 screen, considering that the moto edge s pro had previously used the OLED screen of CSOT, and CSOT had also made an off-line scheme for Xiaomi MIX 4, the possibility of using the scheme below the CSOT screen for downloading the moto edge X30 screen is high.
According to the official warm-up and previous revelations, the moto edge X30 will be equipped with a 6.67 inch FHD+144Hz centered perforated OLED straight screen, supporting a 1 billion color display, equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 platform, built-in 5000mAh battery and supporting 68W fast charge, a 50 million pixel main camera, 50 million pixel ultra wide angle and 2 million pixel depth of field in the rear, and a 60 million pixel OV60A front camera.
In addition, because edge X30 is only two days away, and no friend has announced to release a new flagship before December 9 recently, it seems that Motorola has successfully "cut off" the first launch of this wave of Snapdragon 8 Gen 1.
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