In addition to supporting Android apps, Microsoft Win 11 has left behind. The more mature ARM version of Win 11 also opens the door to desktop platforms for mobile phones, tablets and other ARM devices. On June 30, it was reported that both Xiaomi 8 and Xiaomi MIX 3 had been successfully uploaded to Win 11 of ARM 64, and the latter could operate normally with the mouse.
Microsoft launched Insider Preview version of Windows 11 this week. In a few days, in addition to a large number of novice players upgrading, Win 11 has also been successfully flashed into Lumia 950 XL, Xiaomi 8, and Xiaomi MIX 3. After Lumia 950 XL, the main @ 5 super rookie 5 and @ Little Sun ACA in station B uploaded the Win 11 flash video of Xiaomi 8 and Xiaomi MIX 3 on the 29th and 30th respectively.
The Lumia 950 XL that works normally under Win 11 can touch the screen, but Snapdragon 810 has weak performance and the system card is PPT ↑
Xiaomi 8 cannot be operated after being flashed into Win 11 because USB and touch screen cannot work normally ↑
The Xiaomi MIX 3 can not touch the screen due to the drive, but the USB interface works normally, can be connected to an external mouse and can operate normally, and the system response speed is OK ↑
The information of Snapdragon 845 can be seen on Win 11 ↑
The successful cases of the two Xiaomi models both started from the EDK2 UEFI firmware of Snapdragon 845 (sdm845) on Github, which theoretically includes One Plus 6/6T, Meizu 16th, Hammer Nut R1, Black Shark Generation 1, Xiaomi MIX 2S, Nubia X OPPO Find X、 Samsung Galaxy S9+, LG G7 and other Snapdragon 845 models can be used.
Run Win 11 on your mobile phone, and then install Android applications. Your mobile phone will have the opportunity to take into account desktop work at the same time. With the performance of today's mobile phones, running Win 11 for simple office operations should not be a big problem, but finally it depends on the compatibility of Win 11 with Android applications.
Almost every digital enthusiast has a dream of going global. It is also the long cherished wish of many "martyr manufacturers" to let mobile phones complete the work of PC and connect the desktop and mobile terminals. Microsoft Ubuntu、 Motorola and Hammer have made their own attempts, but unfortunately they failed. The desktop models of Samsung Dex, Huawei and Nuts have not caused much trouble.
The ARM 64 version of Win 11 is another impact of Microsoft on "one machine goes global". Your next computer, why is it a computer (manual doge)
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