Apple suddenly threw out the M1 chip this year, telling the world that ARM architecture can also make powerful desktop processors. Then, with the unexpected compatibility of macOS, Intel, Qualcomm and Microsoft were beaten up with a combination of fists. On December 7, Bloomberg reported that Apple was developing new chips for MacBook Pro and iMac, and the number of cores reached 32.
Apple said that its Mac will switch from Intel's X86 processor to its self-developed ARM architecture processor within two years. In other words, in 2022, including Apple's most high-end Mac Pro, Apple's self-developed processors will be used. The latter requires N times more CPU and GPU performance than the current M1 chip.
According to the latest news from Bloomberg, Apple's next-generation MacBook Pro and iMac processors will have up to 20 CPUs, including 16 high-performance cores+4 energy-efficient cores. However, Apple will first release 8 or 12 versions of high-performance cores (the former should be Apple M1X and M2 chips previously disclosed) according to the actual production situation.
Bloomberg sources said that Apple plans to release a new high-end Mac at the end of 2021, and a new "half high" Mac Pro in 2022, and is testing the chip design integrating 32 high-performance cores for the latter (I don't know whether it will be equipped with four energy-efficient cores). As a reference, iMac Pro now has a maximum of 18 core CPUs and Mac Pro has a maximum of 28 core CPUs.
In terms of GPU, Bloomberg News reported that Apple is testing 16 core and 32 core GPUs for high-end laptops and mid-range desktops (the current M1 is a 7-core and 8-core GPU). What's more, Apple plans to launch 64 core or even 128 core GPUs by the end of 2021 or 2022, which will be several times faster than the current NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards.
Wow,awesome。 Although we can't afford Mac Pro, Apple's efforts may stimulate Intel, AMD and Nvidia, and then we can use cheaper and stronger CPUs and graphics cards.
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