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 OPPO full link color management system release: Find X3 premiere
OPPO full link color management system release: Find X3 premiere
2021-11-18 14:55

On November 18, it was reported that today's OPPO Future Science and Technology Conference continued. At the morning conference, the previously warmed up OPPO full link color management system was officially released.

One of the main selling points of this full link color management system is the ability to capture and display 10bit pictures and videos on mobile phones. Officially, this is the first color management system in the industry that supports 10bit pictures and videos.

To this end, OPPO provided technical support from five aspects: shooting, coding, storage, decoding and display.

For example, in shooting, the hardware level stack DOL-HDR technology brings higher signal noise ratio and dynamic range to the captured images, and effectively avoids ghost phenomenon; In terms of storage, HEIF format is used to store more color information (up to 16 bit color depth); The native memory data structure is modified to adapt to the 10 bit image data processing, and the adaptation portal is added in the rendering to finally realize the system level 10 bit display.

This full link color management system can also achieve the same automatic color management as iPhone, calibrate the color temperature consistency of different color gamut content, and enable image content to display in the correct color gamut on the mobile phone; At the same time, OPPO color compensation system 2.0 has been made for people with color disorders, and corresponding color compensation modes can be selected according to their own visual conditions.

Finally, OPPO predicted that its full link color management system will be launched on the flagship Find X3 for the first time, and this new machine will be officially unveiled in 2021. In addition to the outstanding display quality, the previously released 125W flash charging scheme is expected to be applied to the Find X3.

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