As early as at the WWDC developer conference in June this year, Apple announced that its Mac will transition from the existing X86 to the Apple Silicon processor designed by itself in the ARM architecture in the next two years. On September 1, it was reported by the Industrial and Commercial Times that an Apple supply chain company recently pointed out that the first A14X processor designed by Apple has been finalized and will be mass produced before the end of the year. At the end of this year, it is expected to launch a Macbook with a self-developed A14X processor, which will be used in its 12 inch Retina Display version for the first time.
Thanks to the low power consumption advantage of ARM architecture, the battery life of Macbook with A14X processor can reach 15-20 hours, and the overall weight will be less than 1 kg. As the main chip of the upcoming iPhone/iPad/Mac, A14/A14X is based on the latest 5nm process of TSMC. It is said that the iPhone 12 with A14 will reduce the battery capacity while improving the performance to the A12X level. Compared with the iPhone 11 with a larger battery, it can also improve the endurance of 3-4 hours. The power of the new 5nm process can be seen.
It is expected that the A14X processor will also be used in the new generation iPad Pro tablet. It is worth mentioning that A14 chip code is "Sicilian", while A14X chip code is "Tonga".
Today's report also points out that Apple will launch an Apple Silicon iMac next year, equipped with a powerful custom designed GPU to replace the AMD GPU that Apple has always relied on.
This indicates Apple's determination and speed to master core accessories.
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