The iPad has always been Apple's most cost-effective product line, and the upcoming ARM version of MacBook may have a good price performance ratio. On July 28, it was reported that @ Komiya, a Twitter user, reported that the MacBook equipped with Apple Silicon, an Apple processor developed by Apple, would cost $799, or about 5600 yuan. This price is consistent with the 2020 11 inch iPad Pro with A12Z processor. The ARM version of the 13 inch MacBook Pro will cost $1099, about 7700 yuan.
In contrast, the current MacBook Air starts at $999 (BOC 7999), while the 13 inch MacBook Pro starts at $1299 (BOC 9999). In 2015, the 12 inch MacBook (Intel core M, featuring ultra-thin fan free) was released for 1299 dollars.
On June 23, at WWDC 2020, Apple released Apple Silicon, which is expected to switch from Intel processors to self-developed processors based on ARM architecture within two years. In the latest test on July 24, the Mac mini DTK with A12Z ran a full GeekBench score, crushing the competitor Surface Pro X and all Qualcomm win10 products. It is expected that the performance of the ARM MacBook will not be too weak, and it is even a little stronger than the products of the same level (especially GPU), and the endurance or body weight will be improved to some extent.
The market also predicted that Apple would reduce the price of the MacBook entry version after adopting the self-developed ARM processor. This disclosure also complied with the "public opinion". The informant had a lot of news about Apple these two days, including the size comparison chart of iPhone 12 and the delivery time of various products. It is difficult to tell the true from the false for the time being.
As a poor iPhone 11 Pro Max user, if Apple is willing to provide a competitive price for the new MacBook, we will also consider switching from Windows to MacOS to experience life.
The disclosed user announced that the new Apple Watch and iPad would accept reservations on September 11 and ship on September 18. The iPhone 12 and 12 Max will be booked on October 2 and shipped on October 9. The iPhone 12 Pro series will be booked on October 16 and shipped on October 23.
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