Last week, the real photos of Apple A14 processor were exposed, but they were too fake. On July 28, the more reliable A14 physical picture finally came. The source is Mr. white, the Twitter informant, who also exposed the previous A14 photos.
The material object of A14, the front of which is still the example of the faith Apple logo and A14 logo, and the word 2016 on the top should refer to the 16th week of 2020, about April this year, which is earlier than the mass production in May, which was previously disclosed. It is unknown whether Apple sent engineers to pilot produce the sample at that time.
The back is much more handsome, and the contacts on the side and the unique light effect of the chip are all available. Sure enough, chips are the romance of men and macho men.
The iPhone 12 series, which is expected to be released in September, will be all equipped with A14, which has long been scheduled to be the strongest mobile processor in 2020. A14 will adopt the latest 5nm process of TSMC, or it may be the earliest 5nm product that most people can buy. Because of Apple's security measures and the built-in security effect in the chip field, it is now only known that A14 will have more transistors and stronger performance.
Considering that there will be an external 5G baseband and a 5.4 inch version of the iPhone 12 this year, there should still be a dual motherboard model. The smallest iPhone 12 is expected to be about the same size as the previous iPhone 5s, and is the most likely one to use a dual motherboard. The A14 with the performance burst may have more conservative frequency regulation, otherwise it is easy to feel the "temperature of technology".
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