On January 17, it was reported that in the past few months, there have been rumors about Google Pixel 4a. Now, according to the XDA forum, The database of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) reveals some information about the next generation of Google's mid-range mobile phones. They have three devices, code names Sunfish, Redfin and Bramble. The first two are fish words, which conforms to Google's naming habits. Therefore, the first two devices should be the successors of Pixel 3a.
The codes in AOSP reveal many details. The most striking one is the SoC of the three devices. Sunfish will be equipped with "sm7150", or Snapdragon 730. This SoC was released in April 2019 and adopted by many mid-range mobile phones. However, it does not support 5G networks and is not the latest SoC, but Snapdragon 730 is not the only SoC mentioned in this code.
Redfin is said to be equipped with Snapdragon 765G SoC, which is a newer and more powerful chip. In many ways, it can compete with the flagship SoC Snapdragon 845 in 2018, surpassing Snapdragon 730 in all aspects. More importantly, the Snapdragon 765G has a built-in 5G baseband, so the mobile phone equipped with this SoC will have a longer life cycle than the 4G mobile phone.
Bramble also uses the Snapdragon 765G, but it should not be a Pixel phone, it may be a development board.
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