On October 12, it was reported that realme will release a new realme X2 Pro mobile phone on October 15. Recently, officials have also kept exposing the highlights of the new phone. This morning, the official microblog of realme mobile phone said that the realme X2 Pro uses 64 million zoom four cameras. Later, more photographing functions of realme X2 Pro were exposed.
According to the official introduction, the realme X2 Pro main camera uses a+1/1.72 inch big bottom sensor, while the 13 million pixel telephoto lens supports 5x hybrid optical zoom, 20x hybrid zoom, and the 115 ° distortion proof ultra wide-angle lens supports a maximum of 3.6x field of view. The portrait lens can take a close-up of the portrait with a large texture. From the network access information of the machine, we know that the ultra wide-angle lens is 8 million pixels, while the portrait lens is 2 million pixels.
Realme also said that the new machine supports the super glow mode, which can take pictures with rich color levels and more texture; While Super Night View 2.0 uses a composite multi frame synthesis engine, which can suppress highlight overexposure and noise, and improve dark details and overall brightness.
The realme X2 Pro also supports the super night view of the front portrait. The official said that even if you take a selfie in a very dark environment, it is still clear and bright. The network access information shows that the front single camera of the machine is 16 million pixels.
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