On August 26, it was reported that Samsung would contract the Snapdragon 865. This flagship SoC would use the 7nm EUV process. A version of the Snapdragon 865 would integrate 5G baseband chips. It is expected that many Android flagship phones will be equipped with Snapdragon 865 in 2020, and Samsung Galaxy S11 should be the world's first SoC. The release time of Samsung Galaxy S11 may be February 24, which is just the opening time of the 2020 MWC Conference.
It is reported that Snapdragon 865 has two versions, code names Kona and Huracan, which both support LPDDX5 memory chip (RAM) and UFS 3.0 flash memory. One version will integrate 5G baseband, and the other will not. Huawei will release Kirin 990 SoC on September 6. This chip will integrate 5G baseband, which will be launched by Mate 30 series. Compared with 5G mobile phones that need external baseband, Huawei Mate 30 series should have a longer life.
In addition, it is reported that Qualcomm will again require TSMC to produce Snapdragon 875, which will be commercially available in 2021. It is reported that Snapdragon 875 will adopt TSMC 5nm process. It is estimated that this SoC has 171.3 million transistors per square millimeter, which has better performance and lower power consumption.
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