On April 3, it was reported that Apple really intended to transfer more production capacity to India. According to foreign media reports, iPhone 6S, iPhone SE, iPhone 7 and other old phones have been produced in India, and the production of the flagship series (iPhone X/XS) will be a very important step. A new report confirms that Foxconn plans to conduct trial production in Chennai factory first, and then gradually increase production capacity.
Producing iPhones in India will help Apple avoid import taxes, which may be as high as 20% or more in India. In addition, Apple is likely to open its own flagship stores in many places in India.
According to Bloomberg, Apple currently accounts for only 1% of India's smartphone market shipments. Last year, it sold 1.7 million iPhones. Apple is still trying to break into the world's second largest mobile phone market. Although the iPhone is obviously more expensive than the local leader Xiaomi mobile phone, the cost saved by Apple in local production should make the price of the Indian iPhone lower than the current price.
Transferring production plants to India is also in line with Apple's goal of diversifying production lines. In the future, if the iPhone is not produced in China, India's iPhone production line can also be used as a backup force. It is estimated that Foxconn will invest 300 million dollars for the first new iPhone production line, and the number of production lines may increase in the future.
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