On March 25, it was reported that the most attractive Android flagship processor should be the Snapdragon 855. The cheapest Snapdragon 855 mobile phone is iQOO, starting at 2998 yuan, while the starting price of Xiaomi 9 is 1 yuan more expensive than the former. Compared with the flagship of Xiaomi in the previous two years, the price of Xiaomi 9 has increased this year, partly because of the rising cost of parts.
At noon today, Pan Jiutang, partner of Xiaomi Industry Investment Department, disclosed the selling price of Snapdragon 855 on Weibo. The selling price of Snapdragon 855 is about three times that of Snapdragon 710. Pan Jiutang also explained the different business concepts of mobile phone manufacturers. For example, some manufacturers focus on performance, and try to save other marketing costs. Some manufacturers think that the appearance of mobile phones is more important, which will also increase the cost of advertising and stores.
In addition, Wang Teng, Xiaomi's product director, said when talking about Xiaomi 9 SE, they considered using Snapdragon 845 for Xiaomi 9 SE last year. The reason why it was useless was that Snapdragon 845 was about twice as expensive as Snapdragon 710. In addition, consumers generally liked the new and hated the old. Although Snapdragon 712 was only a frequency raising version of Snapdragon 710, it was a new processor. It can be inferred from Wang Teng's words that the Snapdragon 712 should be cheaper than the Snapdragon 845 and not much more expensive than the Snapdragon 710.
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