Love to play computer games On February 16, it was reported by foreign media that Apple was preparing to launch the red iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. As a new machine launched in 2018, the iPhone XR had a red version at the beginning of its launch. At present, the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max only have three colors: dark space gray, silver and gold. The informant said that this was the message from the supply chain.
The report also said that compared with the same period in 2017, Apple's iPhone shipments in China in the fourth quarter decreased by nearly 20%. The iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max of the Bank of China will also welcome the same red version, but there will be no "PRODUCT" sign. Apple may call this color match "China Red" to prevent the decline of iPhone sales in China.
It is reported that the China Red New iPhone will be launched at the end of this month, with the top configuration of more than 10000 yuan. Apple will donate part of the sales of PRODUCT products to the foundation for AIDS treatment.
Some analysts predict that iPhone sales will decline by 19% in Apple's 2019 fiscal year, and 16% of iPhone users will upgrade to new Apple phones in 2019, which will be released in the second half of this year.
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