Love to play computer games On January 31, it was reported that Ishan Agarwal, a foreign netizen, shared four photos on Twitter. He said that this was the exclusive story, which was the first exposure of an upcoming OPPO phone. However, Ishan Agarwal only knew that this new OPPO machine was equipped with an elevating selfie camera. These photos were sent to Ishan Agarwal anonymously by other netizens. The new machine might be named OPPO R19 or OPPO F11. Ishan Agarwal was excited after seeing these four photos (excited!).
It can be seen that this mobile phone suspected of OPPO R19 still has a high proportion of the screen behind the bright screen. The upper frame is relatively narrow, and it is not a special-shaped screen. The space in the lower frame does not seem to accommodate a light sensitive unit. Therefore, the front camera should be stuffed inside the body to make it lift. In addition, the mobile phones suspected of OPPO R19 are also round.
The back of the machine adopts a rear dual camera, which may be the main camera+depth of field scheme. The top is a fill light, and the periphery is also surrounded by a circle. It is located in the same module as the camera, and there is a fingerprint module on the back. The "About Mobile Phone" interface of the new phone is confidential. We only know that it is pre installed with ColorOS 6.0 based on Android 9, and the security patch was released on January 5, 2019.
According to past experience, the exposure time of this mobile phone suspected of OPPO R19 was much earlier, so it may be released at the end of February or early March. It is more likely to be OPPO F11, the overseas version of OPPO R19, and R19 itself should use screen fingerprints.
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