Love to play computer games On January 17, it was reported by Indian media that Vivo was launching a mobile phone swap program in India. When consumers buy new mobile phones in Vivo's Indian online mall, they can exchange old Vivo phones for some cash. From today to January 19, anyone who submits old Vivo equipment to Vivo Mall will receive an additional 1000 Indian rupees (about 95 yuan).
This trade in program is called Xchange, and only some Indian cities can participate in it, so it is necessary to confirm on the official website whether the cities where consumers live meet the conditions before participating.
Recently, Vivo announced that it will hold a press conference on January 24. Its promotional copy is "What will mobile phones be like in the future? It is natural to let go of the complexity." It is obvious that Vivo will release a new mobile phone, which may be the previously exposed mobile phone code named "Shuidi".
It is revealed that "Water Drop" is the second generation of vivo APEX. The shape of this mobile phone will exceed people's imagination. The body is very smooth around, shaped like pebbles. It may adopt a double curved front and rear design, and has an ultra narrow border zero boundary full screen. The back seems to use the liquid metal often seen in science fiction films. It is truly a "mobile phone of the future".
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