Love to play computer games On December 10, it was reported that Xiaomi launched its A1 mobile phone in India in September 2017. It is a model that has joined Google's Android One program and is equipped with a specially optimized native Android system. It is reported by foreign media that the machine has received the Android 9.0 system update recently, but this is only a beta version, which is only available to those who participate in the beta program.
The size of the new system is 1074MB, which is much smaller than the Android 9.0 system of other mobile phones. In addition to the update of the large version, the FM radio function is also added. This function was not available on Xiaomi A1 before, while the domestic Xiaomi 5X has it. The new system also supports new gesture operation, more intelligent power management and automatic brightness adjustment.
It was initially found that Xiaomi A1 updated Android 9.0 as a user in Bangladesh. It is not clear whether users in other regions have received the push of the new system, but it should be followed up gradually.
The configuration of Xiaomi A1 is the same as that of Xiaomi 5X. The former is equivalent to the international version of the latter. The biggest difference is that Xiaomi A1 uses the customized system of Android One. Xiaomi 5X is an original MIUI.
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