Love to play computer games On October 23, it was reported that this morning, Qualcomm officially released the Snapdragon 675 processor in Hong Kong, which is positioned close to the Snapdragon 670 and the Snapdragon 710. Snapdragon 675 is built based on Samsung's 11nm LPP process, and its CPU adopts the new Kryo 460 architecture. Gao said that Snapdragon 675 has improved in terms of gaming, photography and AI experience, especially the overall performance of AI applications can be improved by 50%.
The CPU core frequency of Snapdragon 675 is 2.0GHz, based on the Cortex-A76 architecture. The core of Snapdragon 670 and 710 are optimized based on Cortex-A75; In addition, the core frequency of Snapdragon 675 is 1.7 GHz, which is still based on Cortex-A55. In terms of GPU, the new processor integrates Adreno 612, which is inferior to Adreno 615 on Snapdragon 670 and Adreno 616 on Snapdragon 710.
Qualcomm said that the overall performance of the Snapdragon 675 is 20% higher than that of the Snapdragon 670. Through comparison, we know that the Snapdragon 675 has advantages in CPU, but the GPU performance is worse. According to the truth, the game performance should be worse. However, the official announcement that the new processor game starts up 30% faster and reduces the number of clicks by 90% is a bit confusing, Maybe it is the optimization brought by CPU and AI.
In addition, Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 uses X12 LTE Modem, Hexagon 685, and the ISP is Spectra 250L. It supports up to three cameras and 5x optical zoom. The three cameras can be telephoto, wide-angle, and ultra wide-angle.
In terms of AI, the Snapdragon 675 is equipped with the AI Engine, a multi-core AI engine. Its AI operation performance is three times higher than that of two friend products. However, from the perspective of the PPT provided by Qualcomm, the length of the bar graph representing the Snapdragon 675 is three times longer than that of the other two, which means that the increase is only two times. There is a contradiction between the picture and the text. Maybe Qualcomm is wrong.
In terms of parameters alone, the Snapdragon 675 overlaps with the Snapdragon 670 and the Snapdragon 710 in some aspects, which means squeezing toothpaste. However, Qualcomm also said that the Snapdragon 675 is a product born according to the needs of OEM manufacturers and the market. The equipment equipped with Snapdragon 675 will be released in the first quarter of 2019, when we can experience its real performance.
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