On September 13, it was known that Apple released the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR in the early morning of this morning. The screens of the new phones are 5.8 inches (OLED), 6.5 inches (OLED) and 6.1 inches (LCD) respectively. All of them are equipped with A12 Bionic processors. The iPhone XS supports one physical SIM card and one eSIM. The latter two models support physical dual card and dual standby. Now the price of new iPhones in many regions has come out, of which the Hong Kong version is at least 800 yuan cheaper than the Bank of China. In addition, the network system is universal, so friends who need to buy the Hong Kong version are more suitable.
The following are Love to play computer games At a glance, the prices of the sorted XS series and XR can be compared with those of the following three places:
【iPhone XS】
● Price of Bank of China: ¥ 8699 for 64GB; 256GB is ¥ 10099; ¥ 11899 for 512GB
● Price in Hong Kong: 64GB is HK $8599 (about ¥ 7520); 256GB is HK $9899 (about ¥ 8650); 512GB is HK $11599 (about ¥ 10140)
● Price in North America: 64GB is $999 (about ¥ 6837); 256GB is $1149 (about ¥ 7866); 512GB is $1349 (about ¥ 9235)
【iPhone XS Max】
● Price of Bank of China: ¥ 9599 for 64GB; ¥ 10999 for 256GB; ¥ 12799 for 512GB
● Price in Hong Kong: 64GB is HK $9499 (about ¥ 8300); 256GB is HK $10799 (about ¥ 9440); 512GB is HK $12499 (about ¥ 10930)
● Price in North America: 64GB is $1099 (about ¥ 7522); 256GB is $1249 (about ¥ 8550); 512GB is $1449 (about ¥ 9920)
【iPhone XR】
● Price of Bank of China: 64GB is ¥ 6499; 128GB is ¥ 6999; ¥ 7899 for 256GB
● Price in Hong Kong: 64GB is HK $6499 (about ¥ 5680); 128GB is HK $6899 (about ¥ 6030); 256GB is HK $7799 (about ¥ 6820)
● Price in North America: 64GB is $749 (about ¥ 5127); 128GB is $799 (about ¥ 5470); 256GB is $899 (about ¥ 6154)
Although the American version of the new iPhone is the cheapest, it does not support the physical dual card dual standby. In addition, if you are a little careless, you may also buy a fake. In fact, it is cheaper to buy an iPhone X. This phone is basically the same as the iPhone XS in other aspects, except for the processor and the inability to dual SIM cards. Although the mobile phone was officially taken off the shelves, consumers can still buy it through operators and other channels.
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