Love to play computer games On June 8, it was reported that recently at the Taipei Computer Exhibition, Qualcomm released Snapdragon 850 processor. This chip can be said to be the "chicken blood version" of Snapdragon 845. It has a 10nm process, eight Kryo 385 cores with a main frequency of 2.96GHz, and is equipped with Adreno 630 GPU. This processor is designed for laptops running Windows 10 ARM system. Now, it is reported that Qualcomm is preparing another laptop specific chip -( Catastrophe 3000 )Dragon 1000.
According to Roland Quandt, the expert of information disclosure, Qualcomm Snapdragon 1000 is equipped with a new Cortex A76 core, which improves the performance of the architecture by 35%, while the small core is Cortex A55, which is manufactured by TSMC. However, it is unclear whether its process is 10nm or more advanced 7nm. If 7nm is the best, this process not only has excellent power consumption performance, but also facilitates Qualcomm's publicity.
In addition, Roland also said that the thermal design power consumption (TDP) of Snapdragon 1000 is 12W. Asustek has a notebook code named "Primus" that will carry Snapdragon 1000. The product runs Windows 10 system and is equipped with a screen of more than 2K resolution, which supports WiGig (60GHz 802.11ad). It should be noted that "Snapdragon 1000" is only a code name given by Roland himself, and Qualcomm may not use this name when officially releasing the chip. The new processor will be released at the end of the year at the earliest, and will compete with Intel and AMD for new markets.
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