For Apple, the smart speaker HomePod, which was released early last year, has been delayed in coming into the market. Although the sound quality of HomePod is the best among speakers of the same category, its AI is much worse than that of various smart speakers in China, which is also the biggest problem Apple has encountered recently.
Just now, according to the latest report of the well-known market research company Strategy Analytics, Apple is expected to sell 600000 HomePods in Q1 2018! Only 6% of the market share, behind Amazon and Google.
Amazon sold up to 4 million Echo smart speakers, accounting for 43.6% of the market share; Google has sold 2.4 million Home smart speakers, accounting for 26.5% of the market share!
Interestingly, even Alibaba's sales of smart speakers exceeded Apple's, with an estimated 700000 units sold; Xiaomi sold only 200000 sets.
In the previous Xiaomi press conference, Lei Jun complained about Apple's AI technology. In particular, Apple's localization is really not good, and the technology is also lagging behind.