On April 16, Sony launched its new e-book product DPT-CP1 in Japan. This DPT-CP1 uses a 10.3 inch ink screen with a 16 degree gray scale, a resolution of 1404 × 1872, a four core processor, a storage capacity of 16GB, a weight of only 240g, a thickness of 5.9mm, and a battery life of up to three weeks.
Sony DPT-CP1 is still equipped with an official stylus. Users can annotate, mark, and draw (black and white) documents on DPT-CP1. Sony said that DPT-CP1 can share device data and PDF files with Android, iOS, Windows and other platforms through the Digital Paper App for mobile App. Friends who know little about Sony e-books should know that Sony e-book products are not cheap. The price of DPT-RP1 released by Sony last year was as high as 80000 yen (about 4700 yuan), while this time the price of DPT-CP1 was 70000 yen (about 4110 yen).
It is known that Sony DPT-CP1 will be officially launched in Japan in early June.