Last year, Thundersnake launched its first mobile phone, the Razer Phone. Razer Phone is positioned as a game phone. It is not only equipped with the flagship processor Snapdragon 835 at that time, but also uses a 120Hz screen to let users feel the smoothness of the game at a high frame rate.
DIY players must be familiar with the word 120Hz, because most of our screens have a 60Hz refresh rate. If the number of frames in the game exceeds 60, our 60Hz screens will not be able to display the smoothness of a higher frame rate. At this time, the screen refresh rate limits the display of a higher frame rate. Therefore, game phones like Razer Phone need to be equipped with a 120Hz screen.
According to the news of XDA, a famous computer cleaning forum, developers on XDA have found that 120Hz screen mode is hidden in Sony Xperia XZ Premium. The developer successfully unlocked the 1080P 120Hz mode of Sony Xperia XZ Premium based on Android 8.1 ROM (Linux 4.4 kernel). In addition, the user named "Myself5" on the XDA forum found that not only Sony Xperia XZ Premium hid the 120Hz screen mode, but all phones released by Sony after 2016 (except Xperia X Compact) can actually support the 120Hz screen mode.